
U.T.A - the Ultimate Trans-human Automaton.

As Ulysses Mallory aged into the twilight he became distinctly aware that his robotic guide, ATOC, still remained as alert and mobile as when he was first discovered. Seeking to gain this seeming immortality Ulysses would embark upon his last and most ambitious project yet. An attempt to grow more human than human.

Being a discerning man, Ulysses would need to develop a prototype before trying to become the first trans-human. Despite the mechanical wonders he and ATOC had “gifted” the world with, Ulysses still had a number of human servants in his employee. One of his favorites was a young German girl named Uta. Uta would have what is now commonly known as learning disabilities. Ulysses had gifted her a copy of Ruyard Kiplings “Just So Stories” when she came into his employee. Though she couldn’t read, she treasured the book she was never without the it, slowly flipping through the pages when not busy.

With the promise that he could give Uta the power to decipher all the wonderful stories in her book, he convinced her to be his living experiment in human and machine integration. Through many months of research and development there wasn’t much physical humanity left in Uta. Though she was able to finally read her favorite book and many, many more.

It’s rumored that Uta still roams the wastelands to this today, seeking out and processing any written word she can find.

Craig Snodgrass